
This site is dedicated to helping us mere mortals get a grip on the fact that life here on earth is just one dot in our eternal life. May God gift you with eyes to see beyond the trial and tribulations of this world.

Monday, November 07, 2005

What's new?

Janet and I just finished a presentation on South Africa (we did the power point and she did the presentation); she did an excellent job.

I'm also hoping to go to Guatemala on a short term mission in February. (Hopefully Tiuley will be able to teach my Spanish by then!)


At 7:25 PM, Blogger LostSoul said...

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At 8:29 PM, Blogger Sherrill said...

Guatamela is on for February 11-24

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Sherrill said...

My Guatamela trip I'm viewing as a purposeful vacation with a bunch of other Chrisitan singles. What this means is I'm not expecting any financial support. If people want to contribute though I can recommend where to send the money after I get back. In the meantime here's a link to where I'll be going and to the agency I'll be working with
I'll be staying at SETECA seminary and we'll be helping out around there.


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