The Cost of the Cross
Lately I've been challenged with the task of leading a Youth Alpha. The idea is you present the same material as the Adult Alpha course but far more interactively. This means I've had people (namely Margaret and Stephanie) scrounging around for videos and music for me. This course also contains experiments and games. Fortunately others have done the course before and left ideas behind. For instance, this week is talking about the power of the cross. To illustrate this you take some water and add some food colouring to it and make the water really dirty; then you take some bleach and add red food colouring to the bleach to represent the blood of Jesus; then you take this mixture and add it to the dirty water; although it's not instance, within an hour or so the water is completely clean again! "Oh the blood of Jesus, that washes white as snow".
Even with this great illustration though I still find the concept of the cross hard. I guess it's because I haven't been raised with the Jewish and Moslem heritage of animal sacrifices. It was Henri that found a story that solidified this concept for me; check it out at:
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