
This site is dedicated to helping us mere mortals get a grip on the fact that life here on earth is just one dot in our eternal life. May God gift you with eyes to see beyond the trial and tribulations of this world.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Can Christians have fun????

You're darn right they can have fun! Did you know that Jesus first miracle was to increase the wine supply at a wedding! Of course to think that one needs wine to be happy is a mistake too. I think the best way to be happy is to be who God made you to be. For me this means soaking in a hot tub, reading a book, a sunset canoe ride, snow or water tubing, walking and sharing about things that count with a friend, and discovering new sites in God's wonderful creating. What is it for you? Don't worry about what others think you're suppose to you; after all God knows the real you.

So this month, besides tubing, and X-country skiing I'm going to a CSI seminar! (that's right CSI...discovering how the Waterloo police solve crimes.) That's also fun for me!


At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any scriptures to back it up.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Sherrill said...

Thanks for your question because researching the answer is fun for me!

I think the answer is definitely! In fact we’re told that the evidence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is via the Holy Spirit fruit and joy is one of the fruit listed in Galatians 5:22.

This is making me think about the impact of fun.

I use to have a lot of fun scaring a little baby by sneaking up on her and shouting boo! She’d laugh hysterically so I’m pretty sure she was having fun. I did the same thing with another baby and it took us months to reconcile! So we need to realize that fun in one person’s eyes is not necessarily fun in another person’s eyes. Just imagine that the day the angels showed up in the fields with the shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus. I bet that was an incredibly fun time for them. Yet King Herod he was incredibly scared with this same news! So scared he decided to kill 2 year old baby boys!!! I wonder why there is such a different reaction to the same news. Could it be that the difference between King Herod and the shepherds was King Herod believed in his own power and the shepherds believed in God’s power and gladly received God’s gift of revelation? Jesus gave an incredible gift of love to His disciples in John 15.

I can also imagine many young people thinking it would be the best thing ever if their Mother asked them to convert water into wine, especially if they grew up in a strict home where alcohol was frowned upon, yet Jesus Mom asked Him to do this! Yet look at Jesus response to this. “Mom are you sure; I’m not sure if this is what God wants me to be doing” (John 2:4 – Sherrill’s paraphrase).

Ultimately I suspect the purpose of this was for the sake of the hosts of the party. Mary didn’t want them to be embarrassed at the wedding celebration they were hosting.

(Note: Dr. Luke, Tax Collector Matthew, and good friend John had three different perspectives in chapter 2 of their biographies of Christ)

Jews too can have fun yet again I think we need to think about the lasting effect of the fun. It seems to me that Amnon confused fun with his lust and it created incredible damage in the family (2 Samuel 13) yet maybe it also inspired King Solomon (another of David’s son’s) to write the Song of Solomon (a beautiful love story of searching, finding, searching, finding…)

For me the best fun of all is when I’m with folks who know me well and I feel completely safe in their midst; not because we’re perfect but because we want the best for each other and we’re willing to help each other out just where we’re at.


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